Study Process
When participating in a study, you will undergo a physical, be checked in, and enjoy free time. Compensation is provided via a prepaid debit card.

Screening Physical
At your screening physical, you will receive a free study-related physical examination to determine if you qualify for the study. The physical exam may include: measuring your height and weight, taking your vitals (temperature, blood pressure, pulse) and collecting urine and blood samples for analysis. An electrocardiogram (ECG) may also be completed. The physical process generally takes about 60 minutes but may be longer depending on the requirements of the study. Failure to show or give a 24 hour cancellation notice can result in restricting eligibility.
During your screening physical, you will also be provided an ICF (Informed Consent Form) explaining the details of the study, and are notified of the events of the study schedule. In addition, participants will be given private, personalized time to sit down with a Clinical Research Coordinator or Recruiting Coordinator to discuss the clinical research study process and the study.

Check-In Procedures
Upon check-in, both you and your belongings will be inspected to ensure no prohibited items or outside food enter the clinic. A QPS research associate will show you to your dormitory-style room. After you are given the study drug and/or device, study related procedures will be done at regular intervals, along with other required safely tests such as vital signs and/or ECGs. You will be provided a full study schedule with the breakdown of each study procedure at your screening physical.

Free Time
Between scheduled events, you can use your free time to get acquainted with other participants, watch TV, play games, read, surf the web or just relax. Catered meals are provided throughout your stay including breakfast, lunch, dinner and evening snack, unless otherwise specified. Schedules vary by study and may include one or more return visits. Refer to your schedule or speak to the recruiting team with questions.
Click here for more details regarding our participant policies.

Clinical Research Compensation
You will be compensated for your time while participating in a clinical research study at QPS. Stipends are typically paid five working days after the completion of the study. Your payment is loaded onto a prepaid debit card. Taxes are not taken out. If you earn $600 or more in a year, QPS will send you an IRS form 1099 at the end of the year. Since these are not “earned wages”, and you are not employed by us, they are only subject to state and federal taxes.
The QPS Clinical Research site in Springfield, MO, USA is an impressive facility in a great location. If you are a sponsor looking for a site, or a potential study subject looking to participate in a clinical trial, these interactive resources provide a closer look at the facility and surrounding area.